What Is a Bloom, Bed, or Pod? Interesting Sea Animal Group Names

Look at that herd of jellyfish over there! Oh, wait....
... that's not quite right. Animals are super cool and the creatures of the sea are no exception! Some of them glow, others pack a powerful sting, and a few are – well – delicious (sorry, not sorry, shrimp 🍤).
What animals did you see on your last Sunset Beach vacation? Depending on the time of year, you might be lucky enough to spot a whale passing by, a school of porpoises, or a tiny ghost crab peeking out of the sand.
Today we are going to have some fun learning about the animals of the sea, and find out what they are called when found in a group. Or pod. Or cast. Or school. How many did you know already?

Bed of Clams
Wreck of Sea Birds
Battery of Barracuda
Lap of Cod
Cast of Crabs
Fever of Stingrays
Flight of Heron

School of Fish
Pod of Lobsters
Pod of Pelicans
Consortium of Octopuses
Shiver of Sharks
Audience of Squid
Purse of Sand Dollars

Bed of Oysters
Bloom of Jellyfish
Crowd of Porpoises
Pod of Dolphins
Congregation of Alligators
Bale of Turtles
Herd of Whales
Learn more about the wildlife of Sunset Beach, NC:
The Spectacular Sunset Beach Birding Trail
Birding is FREE, fun, and a great activity to try next time you visit Sunset Beach, NC. There are 6 spots to check out.
All About Alligators!
Learn all about the alligators of the North Carolina coast.
You can sometimes spot them in and around Sunset Beach!
Crazy, Creepy Creatures of the Atlantic That Will Delight Your Kids
These creatures will fascinate your kids and are a great way to teach them about local wildlife.
What about a group of humans?
After all, you are very likely to find a Family, Band, Crowd, Clan, or Tribe of Homo Sapiens frolicking on the shores of Sunset Beach, North Carolina.
We have seen some pretty cool wildlife over the years, but our human visitors are some of our favorites.

If you are ready to start looking into your next Sunset Beach vacation, we would love to help you out.
Start browsing our vacation rentals now to get started.
Get your tribe down to Sunset beach and join the party